• Darker, Lighter, Puffy, Flat Presentation by Anyla Kabashi
Darker, Lighter, Puffy, Flat

Stacion - Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina

Darker, Lighter, Puffy, Flat
Presentation by Anyla Kabashi

Date: 22/12/2023, 19:00

Venue: Stacion - Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina
Henrik Bariç 23, 10000 Prishtina, Republic of Kosovo

Stacion - Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina is pleased to invite you to join us for a public presentation Darker, Lighter, Puffy, Flat, by Anyla Kabashi, of the group exhibition of the same name curated by curator Laura Amann for Kunsthalle Wien, exploring the significance of the human breast in art history, society and culture.

The group exhibition Darker, Lighter, Puffy, Flat looks at the meaning of the human breast in culture, society, and art history. It brings together international and local artists, new commissions, and previously exhibited works that (in one way or another) explore the breast, the tensions and conflicts it creates, but also its sensuality and its playfulness. Breasts – especially women’s – are in many ways omnipresent in our lives: in advertisements, the portrayal of women in films and video games, and casual references in all kinds of conversations.

In the contemporary discourse in Kosovo, conversations surrounding gendered bodies have recently emerged. Despite the absence of coverage for top surgeries in the public health care system, discussions about these procedures are gaining traction. Notably, QKUK does offer such interventions for women who have undergone breast cancer treatment.

The discourse surrounding breast implants after cancer treatment is concerning, as societal perceptions frame the absence of breasts as shameful, perpetuating phrases like "RILINDJA" for women. While figures like Edona James have faced public shame for their breasts.

The year 1999 marked a pivotal moment when Reuters captured an image of an Albanian woman breastfeeding her baby among 2,000 refugees allowed to enter Macedonia. The photographer's reproduction was altered, and in the later reproduction, the breast was covered.

Breast implants, particularly among celebrities, frequently become sensational news. Breasts, for some, become a source of shame, while for others, they are a matter of pride. Many women encounter bullying during their formative years due to their breasts, and this scrutiny persists into adulthood, where breasts can become the focal point of harassment.

A question comes to mind: when are breasts deemed appropriate, and when do they become subjects of shame? I recall numerous instances where women are instructed to conceal their breasts due to size, cover them while breastfeeding, or adopt an attitude as if their breasts don't exist—yet not having them is stigmatized as a source of shame.

In the realm of erotica, breasts remain a taboo topic in the context of Kosovo.

Anyla Kabashi is an art historian, researcher, and writer based in Pristina, Kosovo. Anyla completed her BA studies in Art History and Information and Communication Sciences in Zagreb and an MA in Semiotics in Budapest. During this time, she has been involved in researching feminist practices in the art history of Central Europe and the Balkans, as well as in the documentation and classification of artistic works in museum and gallery collections using technologies such as ICONCLASS and AI. She has worked on documenting the works of the artist Vera Dajht Kralj in Zagreb and on the database of Kosovo artists developed by the Qahili Gallery. She has been involved in the mediation program at MANIFESTA 14. Recently, she was a resident at the Museums Quartier in Vienna and worked on the curatorial team at Kunsthalle Wien for the exhibitions Ancestral Clouds, Ancestral Claims, and Darker, Lighter, Puffy, Flat. Anyla is interested in exploring visual languages and artistic discourses to gain a deeper understanding of artistic creations, communication, contexts, realities, and mediation as processes of making meaning.

The event is limited to 10 attendees. RSVP to the event to confirm your attendance.

Image: "Laure Prouvost, The Hidden Paintings Grandma Improved, Looking at you looking at me, 2023. © Laure Prouvost / Courtesy Lisson Gallery, Photo: Todd - White Art Photography/ © Bildrecht, Vienna 2023"

The presentation Darker, Lighter, Puffy, Flat with Anyla Kabashi is the first activity of the program FAKRRA - Strengthening Cultural Engagement and Artistic Growth in Kosovo supported by the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports of the Republic of Kosovo, Hej Taxi, DZG and x-print.